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Fig. 5 | Chinese Medicine

Fig. 5

From: TMT proteomics analysis reveals the mechanism of bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis and effects of Ginseng honeysuckle superfine powdered tea

Fig. 5

GO Function Enrichment Analysis. A Identified differential expression proteins between CC and PF groups. B Identified differential expression proteins between the GH group and the PF group. C Subcellular localization of differential expression proteins between CC and PF groups. D Subcellular localization of differential expression proteins between PF and GH groups. E GO analysis of targets of GHSPT (potential active ingredients) in treating PF. F GO analysis of targets of GHSPT (serum migrant compounds). CC control group, PF bleomycin-induced PF group, GH GHSPT treated bleomycin-induced PF group, GHSPT ginseng honeysuckle superfine powdered tea, PF pulmonary fibrosis

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